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How do I open an account?
Once you have registered your details online, your account will become 'active' and you will receive your account cards in the post within seven working days with a verification of your login details and password. You can then distribute the cards however you like, in your wedding invitations, by hand etc your guests will than start to pledge monies into your account which you will be able to check online.

Where does the gift money go?
When your guest makes a donation to your account, we charge their credit card, and the money is deposited in our Holding Account at our bank. This is a special account which we use only for safekeeping your money. We never 'borrow' from this account, nor do we pay bills or payroll from it.
The money remains in our Holding Account until we either book the wedding couples holiday or return it to them in the form of a lump sum.

What happens if our wedding is cancelled or postponed?
If your wedding is postponed, we recommend that you contact us with details of your 'best guess' at when it will occur.
For gifts where we have not booked your holiday, just contact us and we'll reverse the charges on all of your guests' credit cards at no cost to you or your guests.
Note: if you've already made your travel arrangements, you'll need to speak to your travel provider to cancel your arrangements. Sometimes there will be cancellation fees for hotels, airlines, or packaged tours.

Why don't wedding guests just send us cash?
Some of your guests probably will, and that's ok too. But many people would rather have something that feels more personal and more specific, leaving an individual message on your account knowing they are contributing to your honeymoon memories.
Your wedding guests want to get you something special that you'll remember forever.

What do past customers of myhoneymoon.co.uk have to say?
Of course, our wedding couples love our service, as we're helping them get gifts that they really want--and have the honeymoon of their dreams! But the wedding guests love our service as well. It's easy and convenient, and they can give a gift that they'll be remembered for.

How much does the service cost?
We charge a set-up fee of £49.99 for your HoneyMoon Account.  For your £49.99, as well as getting your own HoneyMoon Account, we will supply you with stylish notification cards for you to distribute, provide you with your own personal wedding homepage, linked to your Honeymoon account, and also arrange and book all of your honeymoon plans. If you choose to book your honeymoon with us then we return the £49.99 to you by deducting it from your honeymoon booking. If you decide not to book your honeymoon with us then that is fine but to help cover the ongoing expense of administering your registry and providing full services to you and your guests, a 7% service fee is payable against the final balance of the account.

Can you help us put ideas together for our honeymoon?
Yes, if you chose Account Option 1 this is all included as part of our service. We deal with many honeymoon couples who travel to varied destinations and so we are full of great ideas of places to stay and things to see and do.  Once you have established your budget and the type of honeymoon you are looking for, we will research the possibilities and help you put together a suitable itinerary.  Alternatively we can order brochures on your behalf from the travel companies we believe can help you create that dream honeymoon.

How can I receive more information on this service?
If the FAQ's still haven't answered your questions then click on the 'Enquire Here' tab at the top of the page and we can post you a small pack explaining more about the service we offer. Alternatively, contact us by email and we will endeavour to answer any other questions.

We've decided to sign up! What now?
That's easy! Just click on the 'sign up' tab and fill out our online registration form. We can then begin assisting you with your honeymoon plans!